Plato believed that we lived in a world of
images, three-dimensional shadows of the true one. What we see with our eyes is nothing more than a cheap imitation of its true state.
example, the chair we see before our eyes is nothing more than a shabby image of the true chair that exists. We carry on everyday with
flawed perceptions of the true ideal form.
Life After College:
Year 3 - In Transit
[Tuesday, May 16, 2006]
Bzzzzz.... BZZZZZ... BZZ!
I lost a quart of blood last night. I was wakened up every hour by burning itching on my wrist, then my tricep, and finally the clincher - in the middle of my forehead. Damn mosquitoe has been in my apartment for DAYS now and it keeps feasting on me. What's the lifespan of these suckers anyways? Between the mosquitoe bites and the constant feeling that my skull was going to crack in half and leak brains all over my newly washed sheets, it wasn't a good night. No more Margarita Mondays for Ink. Having weekly Neuroanatomy exams on Monday creates no weekends, and Monday night festivities that get out of control because the bars are empty on Monday night, which somehow seems like a better reason to act like an idiot because there's no audience around. Having no weekends means that my bedroom has not been picked up, my laundry hasn't been done, and my bathroom is the equivalent of a toxic waste dump. A 25 year old woman should not be living like this, but I'm being clubbed into this state of existence by the brainstem, which requires a lot of imagination to understand.
The good news is that I found out today that I got funded by the Arthur P. Gold foundation for my summer service in China, teaching health education to rural village children. I was stunned. Especially since the Uganda group had their proposal rejected on Monday, which I personally thought was a fan favorite and a worthier project. Just the other day, I was walking by Motorcycle sitting on our campus lawn with another girl and thinking that I’m not worth anything to anyone. And today, I’m worth $3400 to Mr. Gold, and I'm hot real estate to mosquitoes. That’s really something. Especially since my net worth is about -$120,000 according to the student loan people. I never expect to get these things, so I’m always surprised. But I prefer it this way. I never want to get used to getting the things that I want.
Posted by ink |
8:22 PM
[Monday, May 15, 2006]
According to my behavioral science class...
Exam Questions Love is: a) friendship b) friendship + lust c) friendship + lust + intellectuality d) passion
ANSWER: B MY CHOICE: C Since when did love not include learning from each other? THE TEXTBOOK: Friendship = concern + curiosity + affection on a sustained basis without erotic desire Lust = erotic desire without concern or affection Love = Friendship + Lust
You're at higher risk of suicide if: a) you are Jewish b) you are a professional c) you're a psychiatrist d) you're a lawyer e) you're male f) all of the above
ANSWER: F Funny how being an African American female janitor puts you at less risk. Also less at risk are Catholics and Muslims.
Interesting Facts About Sex Education: Comprehensive sexual education: urges students to postpone sexual initiation, but also educates them on condoms and other methods of contraception that protect against pregnancy, HIV infection, STD's, discusses sexual orientation, how to resist peer pressure, and how to negotiate contraceptive use with a partner.
Abstinence only education: does not discuss the reproduction cycle or other contraceptive methods teaches abstinence as the only morally correct option of sexual expression for teens discusses contraception only in terms of failure rates
Studies show that 80% of abstinence only curricula contain false, misleading or distorted information about reproductive health, effectiveness of contraception, and risks of abortion. They blur religion and science, treat stereotypes of gender as fact, contain scientific errors (claim condom-prevented spread of STI's is false, 24 chromosomes from egg + 24 from egg create embryo, etc.)
Two dozen published studies have shown that Comprehensive Sexual Education delays sexual activity, increases contraceptive use and decreases the number of partners, without encouraging sexual activity. Data on 4 of the federally funded abstinence-only programs found slight improvements in participants' attitudes regardng abstinence, but also found that the programs were ineffective at improving young people's comunication with parents or their intention to remain abstinent. Teens participating in the Virginity Pledge delayed their first-sexual experience by 2 years on average, but still experienced it prior to marriage. Those who signed the Virginity Pledge through the abstinence-only education program are 3 times more likely to have their first sexual experience without proper protection. ---------------------------
big change, the choices we make
in life, gut instincts, on-the-whim
hairpin turns, the search for truth, the desire to be happy, the journey to finding out what
makes us happy.
being young and clueless, hoping
that we're not blindly leading ourselves to our own demise with every
tentative step we take, the pitfalls of dating, the trials
and travails of being a young woman in the post-feminist era.